Our Vision
St Nics is part of the Church of England, and the wider Anglican church throughout the world. We join with all the C of E churches in the Diocese of Durham to seek to bless and transform our communities in Jesus' name. We are shaped by a four-fold vision of Discipleship, Evangelism, Justice and Service. We take seriously Jesus' words: to love God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Vision and Strategy Process
We're very excited to be in the next stage of our journey, reflecting together on what God is calling us to be as a church in the next decade.
As the basis of our vision and strategy process our vicar, Will, outlined a character and three core commitments as a church.
Our Character: To be a Spirit-filled, bigger, gathered church in which disciples are formed for
Durham and for the world
Three Core Commitments
- A church in which disciples are formed | From first steps of faith through to a life of growing maturity as a follower of Jesus.
Our prayer is: Lord, please raise up women and men of faith
- A church which is seeking the welfare of the city | Loving the city not because of its use to us, but because we love.
Our Prayer is: In Durham as in heaven
- A church which sends leaders and teams | Enabling, equipping and empowering leaders to make a difference wherever God has them & sending teams to plant and revitalise churches.
Our prayer is: Lord, use St Nics to make a kingdom impact in Durham and the world
Next Steps:
Between now and Easter next year we will continue to work on a vision and strategy that flow out of this character and core commitments.
This will be our vision as a whole church, owned by the vicar, churchwardens and PCC. There will be points where the whole church will be invited to contribute and ask questions.
If you have any questions or thoughts about the process or the character / commitments, please don’t hesitate to contact Will and the churchwardens. You can do this via the office (office@stnics.org.uk) , or alternatively catch them on a Sunday or in the week at church.