Students Ministry
Student Life at St Nics
A huge welcome to all students here at Durham! We would love for you to have the opportunity to get stuck into all that is happening with students at our church. Our main chance to meet together is each Thursday at 7pm in church for Student Night. This is where we eat together in fellowship, then have a talk about a Bible passage, followed by a time of worship.

Who we are
We are a friendly group of students at Durham, who are committed to growing in faith and fellowship, during our time at uni, whether that be for undergraduate, masters, or a PhD.
We come from a mix of church backgrounds and believe we are enriched by learning from and growing in discipleship with one another.
There are many ways, in which we engage with volunteering and the wider church community, from leading worship to tech team and helping out with kids and youth teams.
What We Do
As a student community, our main meeting is Student Night on a Thursday evening, but we do many things together as a student body.
We go on a day or weekend away once a term, where we take a chance to pray, learn and worship together, away from the busyness of uni life!
We also have regular socials as a chance to meet together, chat and grow meaningful friendships with one another.