Little Stars Toddler Group

What's 'Little Stars'?
What? - Little stars is our weekly stay and play baby and toddler group. We offer a space for children to access a variety of toys, books, crafts, songs, Bible stories and snacks as well as providing opportunities for parents to get to know each other.
When? - Every Monday 10am - 11:30am (term time only)
Where? - The Main part of St Nics Church with refreshments served in the Café space.
Who? - Babies, toddlers and preschoolers and their parents and carers. We also welcome child minders.
How much? - £1 per child
What to expect when you come to 'Little Stars'
10am - 11am Free play with the toys, baby area, crafts and books. Refreshments are served during this time in the cafe area.
11am tidy up time
11:10 am welcome song, Bible story and singing time.
11:30am home time
Additional information
We use Churchsuite to register the children. On your first visit we will ask you to fill in a visitor registration form.
Please check where to put your pushchair so we can keep the area safe.
You are responsible for your child at all times.

Kate Swann
Kate is our Children and Families worker, and oversees the discipleship of our 0-11 year olds on a Sunday morning. She also supports families with growing faith at home, and coordinates our monthly family-focused service The 4, as well as our annual holiday club.
Do get in touch with Kate if you have questions or enquiries: