Giving at St Nics
Giving is part of our discipleship.
As we seek to serve Jesus, we consider how we will use the things He has given us, such as time, skills and money.
Having a building that we can meet in, paying people to fulfill particular roles and providing resources for different activities all have a financial cost. For Nics, this expenditure is approximately £330,000 per year. This money comes from us, the church family, all contributing what we can. Together, we provide the financial resources we need to operate as a church.
What is this money spent on?
Parish Offering
Every year Durham Diocese asks every church to pledge a ‘parish offering’. This money is used to employ clergy (our vicar and all those in churches across the Diocese) and to provide support to parishes, church schools and other ministries across the diocese.
Home Ministries
For each area of activity, there are different costs. For example, we employ a Youth & Children’s worker to dedicate time to coordinate all the activities for young people, a part-time student worker and equipment purchased so that our music groups can lead us in worship.
International Mission
Each year we give to organisations and individuals involved in a mission such as the Church Missionary Society, Latvia Biblical Centre to support the growth of the church across the world.
Utilities & Maintenance
This covers the costs associated with our buildings (church and Youth Centre), such as energy bills, repairs to equipment and general upkeep.
Standing Order
A regular transfer of money from a bank account to the church can be set up using your online banking, or by completing the form here and returning it to the church office.
How can I give?
Standing Order
A regular transfer of money from a bank account to the church can be set up using your online banking, or by completing the form here and returning it to the church office.
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number 00007357
Account Name: St Nicholas Church PCC Durham.
Please include a reference that includes your full name and ‘regular gift’
Collection Bags
Cash donations can be put in the collection bags at services each Sunday.
Charity Cheques
We are able to accept Charity Cheques. Either put them in the collection bag or the box by the front door or send to the office. Please make cheques payable to St Nicholas Church
Gift Aid
The Gift Aid scheme allows us to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, effectively increasing the amount of the donation. In order to do that, we need a completed Gift Aid Declaration, which can be requested from the office: office@stnics.org.uk.​