Alpha Reading List
As a church we have been taking part in the Alpha series, together on a Tuesday night, with our small groups and every Sunday through our sermons.

Have you been coming along, or listening online and felt like you wanted to dive deeper?
We have collated a list of recomended books to read about a range of topics that you might want to look further into.
Click on the area you want to learn more about to see the books we have recomended.
Who is Jesus?
Tom Wright, Simply Jesus: Who He Was, What He Did, Why it matters
Timothy Keller, Encounters with Jesus
John Mark Comer, God has a name
Going Deeper:
Athanasius, On the Incarnation
Why did Jesus die?
John Stott, The Cross of Christ
Philip Yancey, What’s so Amazing about amazing grace?
N.T Wright, The Day the Revolution Began: Rethinking the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion
N. T Wright, Christians at the Cross: Finding Hope in the Passion, Death and resurrection of Jesus
Going Deeper:
Simon Gathercole, Robert B Stewart, N.T Wright, What did the Cross Accomplish,
Rowan Williams, The Sign and the sacrifice: The Meaning of the Cross and Resurrection,
Jurgen Moltmann, The Crucified God
James Cone, The Cross and the Lynching Tree
Hans Von Baltasaar, Mysterium Paschale: The Mystery of Easter
How can I have faith?
C.S Lewis, Mere Christianity
Brennan Manning: Abba’s Child
Henri Nouwen, Life of the beloved
Going Deeper:
John Mark Comer, Practising the Way
Rich Villous, The Narrow Path: How the subversive way of Jesus satisfies our souls
Glenn Packaim, Blessed, broken given: How your story becomes sacred in the hands of Jesus
Amy Orr- Ewing, Why Trust the Bible: Answers to ten tough questions
Elizabeth Oldfield, Fully Alive
How can I have faith?
Pete Grieg, How to pray
Tyler Stanton, Praying like monks living like fools
C. S Lewis, How to pray: Reflections and Essays
Timothy Keller, Prayer: Experiencing awe and intimacy with God
Martin Saunders, Signal Fire: A guide to putting prayer into practice (for young people)
Going Deeper:
Pete Greig, God on mute
David Wilkinson, When I pray what does God do?
Tish Warren Harrison, Prayer in the Night
Who is the Holy Spirit?
John Wimber, Power Evangelism
Billy Graham, The Holy Spirit
Pete Grieg, How to hear God
Pete Grieg, Dirty Glory
Jackie Pullinger, Chasing the Dragon
Going Deeper:
Graham Tomlin, The Prodigal Spirit
The Holy Spirit in the world today, ed. Jane Williams
Daniel Cateslo, Pneumatology: A guide for the perplexed